The FABSCOM's primary focus is on the home safety needs of people that are deaf or hard of hearing
FABSCOM's purpose offers these realities regarding home smoke alarms for people that are deaf or hard of hearing
Smoke Alarms
Smoke alarms save countless lives every year. Most people who die in home fires are not in the room where the fire starts. Working smoke alarms alert people to fire and give them time to escape in a situation where minutes can mean the difference between surviving and not surviving.

Cannot Hear An Alarm
28 million deaf and hard of hearing Americans who are unable to rely on this life-saving warning sound to alert them of fire and people who are deaf or hard of hearing face a high risk for fire and fire-related injury.

Different Way To Alert
Alarms for sleeping areas with strobe lights are required to be of a special high intensity that can wake a sleeping person. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

Install smoke alarms and alert devices for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Strobe lights flash when the smoke alarm sounds and vibrating devices shake the bed to alert the sleeping occupant. The lights and vibrating devices warn people of a possible fire.